Tuesday, February 20, 2018

A Transfer to Bauang, La Union, Philippines

I just want to say that this week changed me. I had been struggling a little with my emotions but I learned SO much this week which I am 100% certain has changed my life. It was the devotional with Elder Rasband.
I had been fasting and praying for weeks to be prepared for this devotional. I had a question in my mind when I came. The talks were so powerful. I had brought a notebook to write down notes, but when Elder Haynie spoke and Elder Rasband, I could not write I was so completely taken over. All I could do was listen to every word that came out of their mouths. I realized many good things that we do -- how we treat everyone as a child of God that needs the gospel, our sense of urgency and not wasting time. But what Elder Rasband and Elder Haynie told us about giving EVERYTHING to the Lord -- all of our energy until we are absolutely exhausted at the end of each day, sharing the gospel with everyone, and the miracles that would happen because of it -- completely pierced my soul. I felt shock waves go through my body -- it really felt like shock waves. Elder Rasband told us that what we do now -- our obedience, our hard work, our love of the gospel -- will directly be how the rest of our lives will be like. That hit me so hard. I realized that truly I was not going to be happy UNLESS I gave it EVERYTHING I HAD. The miracles that Elder Rasband shared were beautiful -- I truly believe now in the DIVINE DESIGN.
After Saturday our work changed. Not only did we work hard but we worked smart. We followed the Spirit. We found an elect lady that cried, felt the Spirit the first lesson, and told us all of her questions of the soul about forgiveness and seeing her sister again in the next life. We met a couple that for years had been waiting for missionaries to teach them about temple marriage. We talked to everyone and made tons of contacts. We still weren't perfect -- but we felt the Spirit that day. We went to work early and didn't waste any time in the apartment. We loved the people. Every time we meet someone, we tell them that we were messengers sent from God to meet you and tell you about this gospel of happiness, that it wasn't a coincidence that we met you. I quickly saw how humble the Filipino people are.
We met this really sweet 22 year old Stephanie who has 2 little kids and her husband works in the army. She has been moving from house to house as her husband is assigned to different places. They have no real home and no permanent address. When we met her we knew it wasn't a coincidence because her close friend and neighbor growing up was Mormon. We have had a shortage of Book of Mormons for weeks now but I felt impressed to give her mine. She was completely overjoyed she almost cried. She's about to move again and so I may never see her again, but I am certain God has a plan for her. God has a "Divine Design.”
I'm so grateful for everything I have learned. It's taken a lot of trials, and I know there are a lot to come. Sometimes I wish that I had learned all this earlier in my mission, but then I realized that the Lord knows us and taught us little by little, line upon line. It's been hard with my medical trials, but I've been blessed with wonderful companions and wonderful areas. I see the conversion in my life becoming full. That my missionary work is for the rest of my life.
Arnold was baptized last week. We felt the Spirit teach Sister Wilma to come back to church and who she was and the divine plan there was for her. I love her so much.
I'm excited to know what the Lord has in store in Bauang with Sister Tobias. I know there is a FIELD of SOULS ready to harvest. I'm really going to overcome my worries by looking to Christ. Whenever those feelings come back again, I will just smile as hard as I can and talk to everyone I meet -- that's what brings the Spirit to me. I know there are so many people who need the gospel.

Love, Sister Porter

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