I have been really contemplating charity lately. How much
that has changed my life in just the past couple months. I'm so grateful to God
that he is letting that happen in my life. I've never seen just how much the
pure love of Christ can change lives.
One of those lives is Christal. She has had a really hard
life. She is only 18 and she has had to stop school because of a tangle of
abuse, turning to wrong sources for true friends, and being abandoned by her
dad. She's often at the house of a recent convert that we teach and that's
where we teach her often. We are some of the first people that have shown love
to her in her life. We started teaching her this week at the church right
before seminary so that she can attend seminary. She loves seminary -- the
young women were soooo mature and so loving and accepted her right away! We are
so impressed with the young women in this ward and see future incredible
missionaries in them. Anyway Christal has been much happier there. Before
seminary when we were teaching we were trying to start the lesson we had
planned but as I tried to talk, the Spirit bound my tongue. I couldn't speak--
I tried to force it but I knew the Spirit was literally telling me that we
needed to teach something else. I changed our approach and my tongue was loosed
again because we asked her what she wanted to get out of the lessons and she
told us of her desire to be happy and to change. I was overwhelmed with God's
love for her and we testified of what the gospel would do for her life and the
Plan of Salvation. I knew God had taken over that lesson. She's attending
church and she feels peace there.
That same day as we were just leaving our apartment to go to
work, we were walking down the street and there was a girl heading our way
walking quickly in the opposite direction. We greeted and stopped her for just
a few seconds to talk to her, and introduced ourselves. She was in a real hurry
and was surprised that we stopped her, but she said that she was busy going to
work but that she was extremely interested in us and what we had to say and
wanted to meet with us as soon as she wasn't busy. We were shocked but took
down her information. That Saturday we called her and met up with her at the
church. She came! Her name was Geraldine, and she is the sweetest 22 year old
ever! She just graduated and works here in Lingsat, and she is an elect of God.
When we asked her, it turns out that she is a seeker of truth. She had been
visiting all the churches around her and she told us that she just could not
feel the Spirit of God, and feel peace. She is looking for a way to pray to her
Father in Heaven like a conversation and not memorized prayers. She is looking
for a relationship with God. We were overwhelmed and excited to testify to her
how much God loved her, knew her desires, and had a grand plan for her. She
really knew when we stopped her on the street that there was a reason that we
stopped her. She knew this was the answer to her prayers. She had to go home to
Ilocos Sur to visit her family this weekend, but we told her where the church
is there and she went to church there even though she was all alone! We were so
proud of her.
I thought of this quote:
"The same God that placed that star in a precise orbit
millennia before it appeared over Bethlehem in celebration of the birth of the
Babe has given at least equal attention to the placement of each of us in
precise human orbits so that we may if we will, illuminate the landscape of our
individual lives, so that our light may not only lead others but warm them as
-- Neal A. Maxwell
God uses us as His instruments and has a divine design for
us if we just let him and trust Him. I'm so grateful for this area -- It is
Leni is a former investigator that I taught a year ago, and
we went back to her. She is doing great! She is really receiving the message of
the gospel. She is always ready with her reading assignments in the Book of
Mormon and I know that she feels the Spirit when we come-- we especially felt
it as we testified to her of how much Heavenly Father loves her family and
wants them to be forever again. She lost her child and that's how we found her
a year ago. We know that her daughter is with Heavenly Father and praying that
her mom will accept the gospel.
KC and Jarwin are still doing their best but have had some
trials come into their lives; they both got really sick! When we came and
taught Jarwin, he was so weak but he came and sat in the lesson even though he
looked so sick and looked like a zombie. They are doing a lot better though,
and they having been really asking God what they should do with the whole
marriage situation. We had a great discussion about how Heavenly Father answers
prayers. We felt impressed to say to them how important that the gospel was to
their family being forever and that if they followed the commandments and kept
moving forward like Nephi, that they would receive and answer and be guided.
But they needed to act. They decided to go to Luna to ask KC's parents if they
can be married. We were so excited but we are waiting to get news on how it
We have been working with Maricel alot. She was baptized
last month and the gospel has transformed her. She still has a ton of trials in
her life -- at school and with her family. But she's happy. She has a light.
She sacrifices her weekends to work with the missionaries and fellowship others
her age and bring them into the light of the gospel. She had a dream a few
weeks ago that after her schooling she would go on a mission. She are so proud
of her. She is learning how to read the Book of Mormon and receive her own
answers to her own questions. When we came to teach her and ask her what her
concern was, she told us that she was fine and that she had received her answer
from God. We were so proud.
Dinner at the V's house was a crazy experience-- truly
Divine Design. It was amazing that Brother V was with Sister B; that
they were coworkers. Brother V was soooo happy to see her and was so
surprised that she had just been baptized. I actually had been praying that I
would have the chance to see Sister B because I remember teaching her the
first lesson with Sister Umpad in the middle of district meeting in Bauang a
few months ago and then giving her a Book of Mormon. When we heard the news
that she and her whole family had been baptized we were so excited. But even
crazier was when Sister B brought another one of her coworkers that wasn't
a member and then at the end of the lesson told us that he knew about Joseph
Smith because in Manila his close friends were Mormon and now his friends here
are Mormon. He knew that was a sign from God and at the end of the lesson was
very excited to give us his information and we referred him to the missionaries
Sunday was a miracle. Rosette came, and Brother V, and
Christal, and Lynn S! We were so excited and so happy that they all came and
had a good experience. The A family stayed for classes too this week!!!
We have been sharing the Book of Mormon challenge with the
members in our area, and we saw a difference this week! Our schedule is full of
members willing to work with us- every night this week to fellowship our
investigators. I know that there is power in the Book of Mormon and having the
missionaries over at the member’s houses. It reminded one family of the miracle
of having their missionary in their family.
It was so powerful to give my last testimony this week in
fast and testimony meeting. I know that God helped me say what I needed to say
and then another member got up and testified that the missionaries really have
the gift of tongues to speak and learn the language. It made me so happy. Then
all the classes and testimonies were about missionary work.
It has been fantastic to study about the Book of Mormon and
relate it to my life this week. I especially loved Chapters 11 and 12 of 1st
Nephi because I tried to imagine what it must be like to see the Savior. That
turned into a study of the Gospel accounts of the Atonement. That turned out
pretty emotional.
I'm so grateful with the patience of my Savior with me. I'm
so grateful for His love and I love to feel that love for others. I'm so
grateful for what he suffered for us -- beyond comprehension to help us
overcome the trials, pain, guilt, shame, and sorrows of life. He walked the
longest, loneliest road so that we never have to alone. I am so grateful that
he is lifting me to be a better person and to move outside myself. I still have
imperfections, but I love my Savior and desire to be like Him.
Sister Porter
Fun Stuff:
Brother V made us the most interesting dinner --- lots of
delicacies -- porks blood (dinuguan), boiled full squids, fried fish, crabs and
shrimp. Seafood is delicious -- but in all honestly I haven't gotten quite into
the taste of blood.
We went to one of our investigators house with the Elder's
Quorum to fix her house but the government needed to check it first so we
couldn't do it. But.. one of the members had a great idea to make stairs so
that they could get out of their house to the road because it gets sooo muddy
during the rainy season. I've gotten really muddy trying to get to their house
in the rain:) Sister E loved it and said it made her heart light (nakakagaan
sa loob)!
I made chocolate French toast with mangoes on top for Sister
Jensen. It was pretty delicious!
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