Kumusta po!?! Lunes ulit!
It's definitely been an up and down week. Basically being next to the mission home is insane because there is ALWAYS something going on. We take care of lots of other missionaries that come regularly. And Sister Walters and Sister Bleak have been all over the mission for their musical devotional. It's a big thing-- the President loves loves it. Tons of investigators are coming to their performances. They're going all over the mission to sing.
But it left me... here haha in Lingsat. I spent a couple days with one of our sister missionaries in the hospital while she got her appendix taken out and almost went crazy in the hospital room because we couldn't leave haha. Then I went on exchanges a lot with a temporary missionary (that's a thing in the Philippines for missionaries who don't have their call yet) in my area while my companions were at the devotional. It was funny because I was speaking in Tagalog but she speaks Ilakano and I had no idea what she was saying in lessons haha. I also gave a talk in Tagalog in church today for 15 minutes... That was interesting I'm sure I sounded funny. Reminded me of the other side of heaven when Elder Groberg was speaking to the Tongan congregation haha.
But earlier today President Bangal took us to a waterfall out in the bukid. it was gorgeous!! We drove through rice fields and terraces and the jungle was sooooooo pretty. He took us because the sisters did so well at the devotional. It's a tourist attraction so we met a lot of people on the way. I was talking to this catholic nun who was hiking in full on nun garb. She was so excited to take a photo with me hahahaha. People think it's so funny when they see this tall white Americana speaking Tagalog. "Marunong ka ng Tagalog?!?!?!"
Lingsat is beautiful. I love running on the beach with Sister Walters. And we have a couple really sweet families we are teaching. One is the Tan Family. They are active in their religion but they are so so sweet and love to read everything we share. They have family prayer now and I'm already seeing the gospel change their life. they are worthy of the Spirit. The parents learn the gospel for themselves through the Holy Ghost. We just provide them the opportunity but truly little by little they are understanding. I felt the Spirit testifying of Joseph Smith and I know they felt it too. Sister Bleak and Sister Walters are really good missionaries. I love to just watch and see how they do things. I hope I can be half as magaling as they are someday.I know 100% that the Lord is working with them and in time they will be baptized. God does His work. Plus our ward is AWESOME! Our mission leader and so many families want to work with us! It's incredible! They support the missionaries soooo much!
Word of the week: pinakamakapangyarihan -- all powerful
Cultural note:
Filipinos love KAREOKE. They just sing their hearts out no matter how they sound hahaha I love it. Except when it's when we are trying to sleep hahaha. i didn't know rapping in Tagalog was a thing because the words can be long sometimes but it works hahaha.