If there has been anything I've learned on my mission, it is that loving people is the most satisfying and wonderful thing. Serving others and showing them that God loves them is so wonderful. It is the thing I live for. Often I feel inadequate and weak, often I pass through much sorrow, but I told myself that it is worth it to be able to help someone else.
This week we ended up
visiting some less active members and we were surprised with new investigators
-- teenage girls that had been abused, cast out, and forgotten, but taken in by
members. To both of them we had powerful lessons, just about how they have a
Father in Heaven that loves them inside and out, and would never ever abandon
them. They are unique and special to Him, they are so very important to Him,
and He wants them to come home to Him. Because of the Atonement of Jesus
Christ, there is someone who understands us. There is a way to heal hurt, feel
peace, and overcome our trials, our past sins, and our challenges. The
countenance of those two girls changed when we said that. It was as if that was
the first time that they had ever heard it-- it broke my heart to see what
those two girls must have gone through. There is power in Christlike love and
knowing that you are a daughter of God. By testifying that to them, I was able
to realize that maybe that applies to me too.
Sister Maricel A is so
converted to the gospel and so is Nanay V. Even though their families are
really struggling, they stand strong in what they know is true and keep hoping,
praying, and serving those around them. I see future valient missionaries and
Relief society presidents in them in the coming years. Tatay is really
combating his word of wisdom and making HUGE progress. But I think withdrawal
and the large amount of work to change got to him emotionally lately and it
made Nanay worried and sad. But we are going to all are going to keep fasting
and praying for him. We know that miracles come through fasting and prayer.
KC and Jarwin are so
so precious. Yesterday we taught them about the atonement and Brother Jarwin
started crying for the first time. He said he remembered the pain he felt when
he watched his little child pass away -- saying if he could do anything, he
would take the pain away from his child and was willing to die himself for her
to live. That was the most precious thing I have experienced -- seeing that
love this young father had. How much does our Heavenly Father love us to send
His Son; how much must Jesus Christ love us to take on all our sins,
transgressions, weaknesses, pains, and sorrows?
I have been studying
about the miracles of Jesus Christ. He forgave those who had sinned and healed
all who came to Him in faith. I know of myself that I need the mercy and the
love of Jesus Christ to heal and sanctify me -- whatever hardship we have to
pass through. I am so grateful to see that love work with those we teach.
Sister Porter
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